When we address the vexed issue of unemployment and jobs, we also address many other negative social indicators. As local leaders we are in a unique position and must take an active leadership role on the jobs issue.

Mayor Garry Moore, for the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs

 Download the Taskforce Strategy Document 21pg pdf (152 kb)

 Download Powerpoint presentation giving overview of Mayors Taskforce for Jobs project 2003. 37pg PPT (3.3MB !!)

No family or parent in our communities is bringing up their children to expect that they will not earn a living or make a useful contribution in their lives. Yet somehow we have organised our economic and social affairs so that one in six young people are not in work or training.

The Mayors goals talk about the zero waste of people and not the 4.9% waste of people. We say zero waste because we know that governance at the local and community level is about 100% outcomes. It is about getting the details right person to person.

vivian Hutchinson, from his 2003
keynote speech
to the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
ARCHIVE 1999 2005
These pages are an archive of the collaboration between The Jobs Research Trust and the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs from 1999 to December 2005.
Current news and activities of the Mayors Taskforce can be found at www.mayorstaskforceforjobs.co.nz, or by clicking on the logo on the right.


"People Connecting : Connecting People". The Mayors Taskforce held a major public forum in Nelson on 15 and 16 November 2005.
Summary from executive officer Jan Francis here.
PowerPoint Presentation by Professor Ian Shirley here.
"Why Work Works" PowerPoint Presentation by Judge Andrew Becroft here.
"Engaging All Youth" PowerPoint Presentation by Christchurch Distict Council here.
PowerPoint Presentation by Mike Smith for WINZ here.
"Actionworks" PowerPoint Presentation by CDC and WINZ here.
Changes at the Mayors Taskforce. The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs has a new chairperson - Paul Matheson, Mayor of Nelson - following the resignation of its founding chair Garry Moore
Read our report in the Jobs Letter here
The Mayors MSD newsletter "Message From The Chair" from Paul Matheson, Mayor of Nelson, and new Mayors Taskforce Chairman,
can be read here.
The Mayors Taskforce will be holding a major public forum in Nelson on 15 and 16 November 2005. "People Connecting : Connecting People"
Read our article in the Jobs Letter here
A group of Australian Mayors have decided to start an Australian Mayors Taskforce for Jobs, focussing on political and cultural support for a job guarantee for all young Australians.
Read our report in the Jobs Letter here
Nearly half the country's Mayors have signed up to the Every Child Counts campaign. The campaign involves a large coalition of individuals and organisations from all sectors of NZ life aiming to promote children's interests in the context of the coming general election.
Read our report in the Jobs Letter here
Election Year : The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs has met in Wellington with representatives of the main political parties to discuss their employment policies and to see if they would actively support the Mayoral push for youth and job guarantees.
Read our report in the Jobs Letter here
Mayors Taskforce Annual Report for 2004-2005
can be downloaded here.
Taskforce Strategy Document for 2005-6
The report can be downloaded from here
Regional Development Conference - 2005
Twenty Mayors and Deputies met with government officials from the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Department of Labour, the Tertiary Education Commission and Career Services to discuss the Taskforce strategy and the partnership with government agencies.
Read report by Jan Francis, Executive Officer of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
Mayors Taskforce For Jobs Annual Workshop Christchurch 2005
The largest meeting of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs, since its beginning in 2000 was held in Christchurch on 28 Feb/1 March. Thirty three Mayors and three deputies attended the meeting which reaffirmed the Taskforce vision and actions.
A Future That Works by Vivian Hutchinson. This paper is based on his keynote speech to "A Future That Works - economics, employment and the environment" conference held on 8-10 December 2004 at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Read report by Jan Francis, Executive Officer of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
Youth Transition - Powerpoint presentations here.
Paper from Ross Wilson, President-NZCTU - pdf (131kb) here.
Paper from Ted Mace, Managing Director-Mace Engineering - pdf (74kb) here.
Paper from Mary Logue, Programme Director-Future Leaders Programme - pdf (185kb) here.
Conference at the University of Newcastle, Australia A Future that Works: economics, employment and the environment was held at the University of Newcastle in early December.
The conference brought together over 100 academics, policy makers, service providers and social activists from across Australia and around the world to examine environmentally sustainable ways to promote full employment and greater social equity.
The Mayors Taskforce Core Group has re-affirmed their commitment to getting every young New Zealander into work or education, and have issued a new statement of their vision and objectives for the 2004-2007 term.
The Local Authority Elections have seen one third of New Zealand mayors retired or defeated.
Our list of returned mayors, new mayors and who they replaced can be seen here
Employment Catalyst
The Employment Catalyst Fund is being reviewed and no applications are being considered until further notice.
Northland regional Cadetships Underway
Taskforce Meeting with Minister Maharey on Skill Shortages and Industry Training (19 August 2004)
Annual General Meeting Mayors Taskforce for Jobs AGM, Auckland Town Hall, 27 July 2004
Sharing Great Ideas - Sharing Good Practice Mayors Taskforce for Jobs National Forum, New Plymouth District Council, 21-22 April 2004
Community Employment Group Funding Decisions (by Council Area). The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs recently asked CEG to provide them with a list of projects being funded in different territorial local authority districts around the country. The list was presented by the CEG general manager Charlie Moore at the Taskforces regular meeting with government Departments in Wellington on 9th March.
Mayors respond to the prospect of the Department of Work and Income declaring "No-Go" in the regions.
"Connections" programmes have been launched in Taranaki and Nelson/Tasman and will create a holistic framework for supporting the transition of young people into employment or vocational training.
The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs holds its Annual General Meeting for 2003 at the Local Government NZ conference in Queenstown on 29 July 2003.
The NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development publishes its industry guide to youth employment..
The Mayors Taskforce publishes its "best practice" ideas guide to ten local youth employment projects being supported by the Taskforce.
The Mayors Taskforce holds its major annual forum for 2003 in Christchurch on 6-7 March 2003.

The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government to work towards ending youth employment in New Zealand within five years.

The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs meetings during October 2002.

Youth Employment Research Report. TMP Business Consulting have completed their research report on Youth Employment for the NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development.

The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs holds a special election-year forum for political parties at the Wellington City Council Chambers 12 July 2002.

The Mayors Taskforce is a major partner in the Youth in Local Government conference to be held in Rotorua 21-23 May 2002.
TMP Worldwide Business Consulting has been appointed Project Consultant for the Youth Employment Project being conducted by the NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development (NZBCSD) and the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs.
The Department of Work and Income announces it will put its resources behind the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs.
The Mayors Taskforce holds its major annual meeting for 2002 in Christchurch on 14-15 February.
The annual meeting launches the partnership between the Taskforce and the NZ Business Council for Sustainability.

Members of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs at a breakfast meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton during the Rotorua Regional Development Conference.
Mayors Participate in "A Springboard for Growth" Regional Development Conference, Rotorua (28-29 November 2001)
Launch of School Leavers Destination and Tracking Project

Hon Ruth Dyson launches the Destination and Tracking Project pilot, with Christchurch Mayor Garry Moore and CDC's Graeme Plummer.
Anderton announces Regional Development Conference at Mayor's meeting
Mayors promote the tracking of secondary school leavers career options 28th June 2001.
Mayors participate in LGNZ Economic Development Forum 5-6 April 2001.

Porirua Mayor Jenny Brash on the Raiha Walk, part of Te Araroa The Long Pathway.
Mayors adopt Te Araroa the Long Pathway, as part of their strategic plan.
Members Meetings

Networking group at the Manukau Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Forum Day
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs meets in Manukau City (27-29 March 2001)
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs signs up "Principles of Partnership" with Community Employment Group, Department of Labour, Wellington (5 March 2001)
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs at the Zero Waste Conference in Kaitaia (7-9 December 2000)
Core Group Strategy meeting at Local Government NZ Boardroom (21 November 2000)

Mayors Taskforce meeting at the Wellington City Council chambers, chaired by Jill White (former Mayor of Palmerston North).
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs meet with Government Department Heads (3 November 2000)
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs meet with Government Ministers (19 October 2000)
Various Media Coverage on the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs

New Plymouth Mayor Claire Stewart and Jobs Research Trust trustee Rodger Smith sign a memorandum of partnership.
Mayors sign up partnership with the Jobs Research Trust (25 September 2000)

Minister of Social Services and Employment Steve Maharey and Minister of Economic Development and deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton.
Mayors sign up partnership with Government (12 September 2000)
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs meets with former Maori Employment and Training Commissions (31 August 2000)

Mayors Taskforce for Jobs meets with American Author Paul Hawken
Paul Hawken Meets with the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (27 June 2000)
Press Statements from Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
Christchurch Launch April 2000

Mayors at the Christchurch launch of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
Christchurch Launch of Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (6-7 April 2000)
Keynote Speech from vivian Hutchinson to Christchurch Launch of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs 7 April 2000
A Youth Guarantee

that all young people under 25 years be in paid work, in training or education, or in useful activities in our communities.

A Job Guarantee

that all adults who are long-term unemployed (registered for more than 12 months) have the opportunity and are encouraged to be in paid work, in training or education, or in useful activities in our communities.

Participation at 2005

or 96% of all
New Zealand Mayors
have joined this Taskforce.

The New Zealand Government

New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development

Council of Trade Unions

Local Government New Zealand

Ministry of Economic Development

Ministry of Social Development

The Community Employment Group

The Jobs Research Trust

Employment Catalyst Fund