At The Mayors Taskforce 2003 annual forum in Christchurch, the taskforce signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Council
of Trade Unions.
Garry Moore, Chair of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs, outlined the
two main goals of the Taskforce, that
Garry Moore described the Memorandum of Understanding as "another major
achievement for the Taskforce" which shows that organisations want to work
together to foster employment and training opportunities.
"We are all concerned that despite high demand for labour, there is
still nearly 100,000 registered unemployed and we all need to co-operate
to improve this situation," said Paul Goulter.
Paul Goulter, CTU secretary, said that the Memorandum signalled the
intentions of both parties to co-operate to create improved opportunities
for all New Zealanders to have a decent quality job.
6th March 2003
1. This Memorandum of Understanding outlines the process by which the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions and the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs will cooperate towards the achievement of the shared government goals, that:
· By 2007, all 15-19 year olds will be engaged in appropriate education, training, work, or other options which will lead to long term economic independence and well-being
· all young people up to age 25 being in employment or education and training; and ultimately
· all people in our communities having the opportunity to be in work or training;.
And the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs goals :
· By 2005, no young person under 25 years will be out of work or training in our communities
· By 2009, all people in our communities will have the opportunity to be in work or training
2. The parties to this Memorandum of Understanding are renewing their public commitment to addressing these issues and pledging to co-operate on future initiatives. We recognise that we need to act strategically and effectively and to think long-term.
3. This Memorandum also signals the intentions of both parties to cooperate in the development and achievement of employment goals which will contribute to improved opportunities for all New Zealanders to have a decent quality job.
4. The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and the NZCTU are committed to working in partnership and agree to ensure processes are in place to facilitate this positive working relationship.
5. The NZCTU and Mayors Taskforce for Jobs will establish as appropriate website links.
6. The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and the NZCTU will discuss the promotion of a set of minimum employment rights as a guide for young people and will co-operate with Government on this proposal.
7. The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and NZCTU will promote regional employment plans.
8. The NZCTU and Mayors Taskforce for Jobs will work co-operatively on several pilot regional forums on economic development that can involve unions, government agencies, local employers and other relevant organisations.
9. The NZCTU and Mayors Taskforce for Jobs will promote employment policies which are inclusive in respect of Maori, Pacific peoples, those with disabilities and others who have been disadvantaged in the labour market.
10. The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs will co-operate with NZCTU and as agreed with Business NZ on a campaign to lift the participation of employers and workers in industry training.
11. The NZCTU will work with Mayors Taskforce for Jobs on initiatives involving schools and promoting employment opportunities for school leavers.
12. The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs will work with CTU Regional constituent bodies (Local Affiliate Councils) on the promotion of quality employment and training opportunities.
13. The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and NZCTU will, as appropriate, discuss any submissions or proposals to Government in the area of employment, work-life balance, labour market issues, and training.
14. The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and NZCTU will work together on the further development of common goals.
15. The NZCTU and Mayors Taskforce for Jobs will meet annually to review this Memorandum and seek additional areas of co-operation.
16. Regular contact shall be maintained between CTU staff and Mayors Taskforce for Jobs staff and the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs core group.
Signed on 6th March 2003 in Christchurch.
Garry Moore, Chair Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
Paul Goulter, SecretaryCouncil of Trade Unions