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No.245 | 24 January 2006 | Essential Information on an Essential Issue |
Index to Features
15 December 2005Poor children who live in low-income households are more likely to die than those living in medium- or high-income households. A study published by the NZ Medical Journal found that the higher death rate of children from low-income households was seen most strongly in accidents burns, poisoning and drowning followed by other causes of death such as disease and conditions like asthma. Deaths from congenital causes are also tied to socio-economic levels. 18 December 2005Software company Marshal Ltd is soon to open an office in Auckland that will employ 40 people. 19 December 2005In an effort to retain staff, two New Plymouth companies offer training to their workers that leads to national qualifications. Howard Wright Ltd and MCK Metals Pacific are offering staff the opportunity to complete a National Certificate in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, Level 1. Howard Wright Ltd finance manager Claire Gyde says up-skilling staff and offering training is part of being a good employer in today's tight labour market. The government has suspended plans for a scheme it had been promoting that would have helped parents save to pay for their children's tertiary education. The Australian Treasury does not support the Australian government's claim that workplace reform legislation passed this month would unleash a wave of labour productivity growth. The Treasury report released to the Australian newspaper , through the official information act, predicted businesses would experience a short-term cut in productivity as employers opted to use cheaper, less efficient workers. The report also predicts the wages of people on minimum pay rates 1.6 million workers wouldn't keep pace with consumer price increases and these workers will be worse off in the long run. 20 December 2005NZ consumer confidence drops to the lowest level in five years, according to a McDermott Miller survey. Westpac chief economist Brendan O'Donovan attributes the fall to the effects of higher interest rates and petrol prices. A bird flu pandemic could be the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression of the 1930's according to Treasury. In a briefing paper, Treasury says lost output could be 10% - 20% of GDP in the year a pandemic occurred and could be as much as $40 billion over four years as the economy struggles to recover. The full report can be read at here. 22 December 2005The Department of Labour has published the answers to frequently asked questions raised by employers and employees regarding their responsibilities should a flu pandemic strike NZ. Planning for a pandemic such as avian flu can be found at here. The income threshold at which students must begin to repay their students loans will rise from the beginning of April from $16,588 to $17,160. The rise is based on the Consumer Price Index increase of 3.36%. 23 December 20052005 saw the loss of around 75 jobs in furniture factories in the Christchurch area. The latest job losses (19) are at Renaissance Furniture as it closes its doors. Owner Ross Cooper blames the closing of his business on competition from cheap imports. 24 December 2005Having only been able to recruit 80% of the personnel it needs over the last six years, the Australian military is reconsidering its historical ban on recruits with specific medical issues. Army, navy and air force chiefs want to accept more than 10% of applicants who are currently rejected on the basis they are either overweight, have poor eyesight or suffer from asthma. 25 December 2005Christmas Day. 26 December 2005One of Australia's largest building firms is convinced it will have to produce its own next generation of tradespeople. Australand, confronted with a government forecast of a shortfall of 195,000 skilled workers within four years, will markedly increase the number of apprentices it trains. 28 December 2005Staff shortages have resulted in the Department of Justice being unable to collect millions of dollars worth of fines. A report, released to the National Party under the Official Information Act blames "staff vacancies" for fine receipts being $3.4 below target. At the same time, the department's personnel budget was $717,000 under spent due to "continued recruitment difficulties". Minister of Courts Rick Barker says that low unemployment has made it hard to recruit good-quality staff. Unemployment of more than 20% in some parts of Germany and dim prospects for any improvement is the key factor behind record numbers Germans leaving their country. More than 150,000 Germans left the country in 2004. In the fifteen years since German unification, more than 1.8 million Germans have migrated. 1 January 2006New Year. 5 January 2006NZ's annual trade deficit is now over $6.6b. The deficit was 21.6% of the value of exports, the highest percentage for a November since the 1975 oil crisis. 8 January 2006Air NZ management and unions enter negotiations regarding the fate of the company's "wide-body frame" maintenance workforce. The airline is considering a plan from the workers' union that would keep several hundred highly skilled jobs in NZ. The plan would cost the company $2m per year more than if they outsourced the work, but the union believes the price is worth it. 9 January 2006Recruitment specialists Hays New Zealand says the job market continues to be resilient and employer hiring intentions for the first few months of 2006 are high. Hays says the strongest demand in will be for people who have specialties in accountancy and finance, construction and property, information technology, and office support. 10 January 2006The Westpac McDermott Miller Employment Expectations Index indicates workers are still upbeat about job prospects, although not quite so much as they were last year. Rising oil prices hasn't restrained world economic output, according to the European Central Bank. President Jean-Claude Trichet: "Global growth is continuing at a pace which is dynamic, and we don't even exclude that global growth could be a little bit higher in 2006 in comparison to 2005. 11 January 2006Rising fuel costs is putting the squeeze on airlines. Jet fuel prices rose 70% over 2005 and Qantas Airlines expects business conditions to worsen in 2006. Qantas warns that it might move significant parts of its engineering and maintenance work off-shore unless its engineering workers agree to a cost-cutting programme. A University of Buffalo (New York) study, estimates 15% of the American workforce is affected by alcohol while at work. Most commonly, workers came to work hungover, although others drink alcohol on the job or have a drink before going to work. The demographic most affected were young, single males. 12 January 2006Worker shortages in Central Otago orchards and vineyards have been averted so far this year. Despite needing 1,500 more workers than last year, Seasonal Solutions chairman Basil Goodman says the promotional campaign to bring workers to Central Otago has worked. Goodman says about 40% of the workforce are NZers and the balance are mainly from the Czech Republic, German Israel and Brazil. There will be more than 140 job losses before the fire damaged Pukeuri meat plant, near Oamaru can be rebuilt. 13 January 2006Skilled labour shortages in Western Australia are at record levels according to Australian Bureau of Statistics. Unemployment in WA is, at 3.9%, at the lowest level ever recorded. Perth builders call for more fast-track industry training be developed to meet the skill shortage. Michael McLean from the Master Builders Association says some training should take months, not years. 14 January 2006The BNZ expects the NZ$ that has been hovering at about $.70US to fall in the second half of 2006 or in 2007. Chief economist Tony Alexander says history shows it's eventually going to fall. He says a weaker dollar will lead to negative migration and economic pessimism. Exporters can expect to benefit but Alexander warns that declining commodity prices could cancel out such benefits. 15 January 2006The price of petrol in NZ has already risen seven cents per litre in the first two weeks of 2006. The Herald on Sunday refers to high oils prices as "a permanent fixture". 16 January 2006Taranaki people wanting to build a new house or make major renovations to an existing one face waits of up to six months, due to a shortage of tradespeople to do the work. 18 January 2006The Reserve Bank of NZ has decided it must be consulted when Australian-own banks operating in NZ Westpac, ANZ National, Bank of NZ and ASB Bank plan to outsource work to a third country. Together the four banks control 85% of NZ banking. The policy doesn't bar banks from outsourcing but insists the RBNZ be convinced that outsourcing doesn't affect a bank's ability to meet its daily commitments in the event of a crisis.
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SKILL SHORTAGES![]() Department of Labour chief executive James Buwalda predicts that even though there has been a slight easing of the labour market, it will continue to be difficult for business and industry to find staff in 2006. Skill shortages are still at the top of the list of problems for firms with less than 20 employees. Buwalda: "With unemployment at 3.4%, and the economy still going strong, skill shortages continue to be apparent across most industries and regions, to varying extents." The department's focus this year will remain on addressing skill shortages through a "range of measures from increasing productivity, attracting skilled migrants and expatriates to New Zealand who can contribute to economic growth, as well as input to training and education initiatives."
JOB VACANCY ADS NUMBER SLIGHTLY LOWERThe Department of Labour's most recent Job Vacancy Monitor found the greatest falls in job ads were for scientists, architects and engineers, health technicians, finance and sales workers, and in the building and printing trades. But, some industries had increased job vacancy ad levels. Ads for specialist information technology staff rose the highest (+24%), and ads for the food industry workers, social workers and furniture and textiles workers all rose significantly.
ECONOMY TEETERINGStrength in parts of the economy may soften or avert a recession. Macquarie Bank economist Tim Bowring says virtually full employment, steady immigration and resilient housing markets may soften the blow. But rising oil prices or a bird flu outbreak could tip the scale. UBS economist Robin Clements points out that in previous recessions, outside shocks had acted as a catalyst and oil prices or a pandemic could play that part this time. Clements: “When you get the economy at this fragile level, it doesn’t take much to knock it over the edge.” Treasury is predicting the economy will grow by 1.7% in the year to March 2007. Economic growth was just 0.2% in the September 2005 quarter and over the year through September was 2.7%. Source Dominion Post, 18 January 2006, "Plummeting confidence sparks recession fears" by Adrian Bathgate; Dominion Post, 7 January 2006, ""Downturn fears may be factor in top stock picks" by Gareth Vaughan; New Zealand Herald, 23 December 2005, "Poor GDP lowers rate-hike prospects" by Brian Fallow.CHANGES TO WORKER IMMIGRATION RULES![]() The higher points criteria comes with added flexibility for the department. Applicants who have a points tally below 140 but have a job or job offer in New Zealand may also qualify. Cunliffe: "This flexibility will enable us to keep tailoring the category to meet employers' needs, while taking into account the suitability of applicants. Migrants that can prove employers want to hire them to fill vacancies are the ones New Zealand needs."
TEMP VISITORS MOST LIKELY TO GAIN RESIDENCYIn the 2004/05 year, 82,500 people were issued permits to work in New Zealand up 12% on the previous year. Over 21,000 young people were here on working holiday schemes. And 77,600 people came on student permits. Even so, only 6,157 more people arrived to stay long-term than left about half as many as the year before. Source Media release Minster of Immigration David Cunliffe, 20 December 2005, "Immigration benefits New Zealand, research shows" Media release Minster of Immigration David Cunliffe, 21 December 2005, "Changes to Skilled Migrant Category to benefit NZ employers" New Zealand Herald, 22 December 2005, "Migrant quota raise to 51,500" by Ruth Berry; New Zealand Herald, 16 January 2006. "'Suck it and see' migration growing" by Julie Middleton.MINIMUM WAGE RISING![]() Dyson reiterated the government's election pledge to lift the adult minimum wage to $12 per hour by the end of 2008, "if economic conditions permit".
![]() Source Media release Ruth Dyson, 21 December 2005, "Minimum wage to increase"; media release Green Party, 21 December 2006, "Workers deserve a bigger pay rise, say Greens".
![]() Source Media release Employment Manufacturers Association Northern, 21 December 2006, "Youth rates get young people started at work".NZ EASIEST PLACE TO DO BUSINESS![]() Minister of Finance Michael Cullen says the World Bank survey is an important reminder that New Zealand has a light-handed regulatory regime and a strong pro-business environment. Cullen: "The fact that we have been able to combine these with good environmental standards, health and safety protections and respect for workers' rights is something of which we can all be proud." The World Bank ranked Singapore the second easiest countries to do business in and the United States third. Australia ranked sixth and Britain ranked ninth. Source Media release, Michael Cullen, 20 December 2006, "Survey results welcomed".
FUEL PRICES AFFECTING BUSINESSESThe survey of 300 firms also found that fuel prices are creating cost pressures. These come in the form of increased supply costs, increased freight and courier costs, a reduction in discretionary business spending, changing customer habits and spending, difficulties in quoting for jobs and contract pricing. Venture Taranaki chief Stuart Trundle says that half the region's businesses had increased the price of their goods or services because of soaring fuel prices. And many of those who hadn't changed the prices yet, intend to. Trundle: "This will continue to be a major factor in business for 2006 if petrol prices look likely to remain unstable in the tightening national economy." Source Taranaki Daily News, 22 December 2005, Increasing fuel prices: Tanks a lot, say firms in survey" by Krysti Wetton.
PRISON GUARD HIRING CRITERIA RELAXEDThe employee selection tests administered by the Department of Corrections have also become easier to pass. Previously, a person failing a prison guard selection test had to wait one year before they were allowed to re-sit it. Now, on failing a test, an applicant can receive tuition on the parts of the tests they failed and can re-sit it as soon as they like. The department needs to hire 600 staff next year included in a total of 1,800 over the next four years mainly to staff new prisons. Source Dominion Post, 16 January 2006, "Prison jobs open to crims" by Chalpat Sonti.SEASONAL WORK PERMITS FOR PACIFIC PEOPLES![]() But Zinck asks Pacific peoples wanting to work on New Zealand farms to appreciate the opportunity and return home when their term expires. Zinck's comment comes after Prime Minister Helen Clark voiced concern that temporary Pacific workers might overstay their permits. In aid of this, Fiji is considering asking the New Zealand government to change regulations so that Pacific peoples only receive 20% of the money they earn while they are still in New Zealand, with the remaining 80% sent directly home. Source Fiji Times, 5 January 2006, "NZ offers work for island people".DENMARK KEEPS HIGH-END JOBS AT HOME![]() The mirror side to the highly educated work force is its flexibility. Danish labour laws allow companies to hire and fire people easily. They can do this because dismissed workers collect generous welfare benefits and, being highly skilled, they are quickly guided into new jobs. Trade unions go along with this because, unlike most of their counterparts around the world, their aim is to boost overall employment rather than to defend each and every job. As a result, workers come and go, gravitating through companies and the economy to where they are most needed. As a result each year, about 30% of Danish workers change jobs, one of the highest rates in the OECD. Even so, Danish unemployment is 4.7% is about half of the euro-zone average. The price that business pays for the flexibility to hire and fire with relative ease is high wages. The average hourly manufacturing wage in Denmark is 73% above the OECD average. And taxes are also high: up to 63% is collected through income tax to pay for schools, health care, unemployment benefits and in constrast to other European countries, the state funds almost all retirement pensions. Of course, Denmark faces the same wage competition from Eastern Europe, India and China as other high wage countries. But where union leaders elsewhere fight a rearguard battle against globalisation, Danish labour unions and management essentially conspire to find ways to keep the high-end jobs at home. And they accept that lower-end jobs will go. The Danish strategy for coping with their relatively high wages may be typified by manufacturer Novo. The company has recently closed a plant which makes the Novo Pen 3, a cartridge diabetics use to inject themselves with insulin. However, before the manufacturing equipment was shipped to its new site in China, Chinese workers came to Denmark to be trained by the people whose jobs they were replacing. Half of the displaced Danes will work assembling the new-generation Novo Pen 4, which will remain in Denmark for three to four years until production is perfected. The other half of the work force made redundant by the Novo Pen 4 closure went into an in-house job-training centre where were matched up with new jobs in the company. "Education, education, educationit's the only way to save jobs," says Novo senior shop steward Niels Erik Olsen. Danish adults spend an average of 4.3% of their working hours in on-the-job training, the highest in the OECD. Source Newsweek, 9 January 2006, "A Danish conspiracy," by Karen Lowry Miller.MAKE POVERTY HISTORY: NOT NEARLY![]() Hertz argues that the failure of the Make Poverty History campaign to make real progress towards eliminating poverty was because it overly simplified the message and didn't want to sound too radical so as to appeal to more people. It also had to maintain unity among the huge range of organisations in its own ranks. Because of this, the overriding issue of justice that is, how legitimate systems allow poverty to become so pervasive, power imbalances, and how people on the margins are not allowed to participate in decisions that affect their lives never even made it into the Make Poverty History campaign. Hertz: "A focus on justice would entail, for example, a push for a process that uses arbitration tribunals to identify and cancel illegitimate debts, such as loans knowingly made to tyrannical dictators who were never going to use them in the interests of their people. It will also involve demanding the creation of a mechanism for the repatriation of money stolen by corrupt regimes, the billions of dollars in offshore bank accounts that by right should be sent home. This will mean pushing our governments to put pressure on the big banks. The focus on justice will mean, too, a push for comprehensive and far reaching redistributive polices, both domestically and internationally, to ensure that those who are disproportionately gaining from globalisation pay for this privilege when the privilege is to the detriment of others. And it will mean putting pressure on the World Bank and IMF to allow countries to determine their own economic policies, a freedom that was not denied any of the rich countries of today when they were on their development paths." Source New Statesman, 12 December 2006, We achieved next to nothing" by Noreena Hertz. |