Regional delivery of employment services
as proposed by the Local Government New Zealand submission from The Jobs Letter No 68 / 3 November1997
Develop and resource regionally-appropriate initiatives for dealing with long-term
unemployment and its effects
Provide an interface between local community organisations and agencies, including
local authorities and central government
organisations, business and local authorities
Recognise and complement employment objectives in Local Authority Annual and
Strategic Plans where they exist
Tailor-make interventions that provide solutions specific to each region that are also
measurable quality programmes
Enable higher levels of resource leveraging through participation in local communities
and Territorial Local Authorities in programme design and implementation
Ensure that resources are appropriately allocated to regional needs
Ensure that the proposed work is meaningful to the individual concerned
Add value to community-based employers and businesses
Ensure that proposals are economically neutral in their implementation (ie. avoid
distortion of local economies)and allow for the participation of community organisations, businesses
and local government
Ensure that the proposals do not displace or crowd out existing or permanent jobs
Ensure that the training programmes develop the job-ready skills of the long-term
unemployed, while recognising and utilising existing skills and may include on-job training
Target priority groups over-represented within unemployment statistics
Ensure that proposals contribute to local economic development.