SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR GRANT RECIPIENTSSource – Community Employment Group June 2003, October 2003
Kim Anderson, Onerahi, Whangarei
Exploratory & cultural exchange trip (indigenous performing arts) in relation to setting up performing arts school in Whangarei.
Cliff Colquhoun, Ahipara, Kaitaia
Research and develop clusters trading organisations based on existing community enterprises.
Jacqui Knight, Russell
3 week tour of NZ communities - similar to her own community of Russell, to study projects implemented to benefit them.
Percy Tipene, Kaitaia
Develop Indigenous Standards for Tangata Whenua Organic produce for export: To overlay and add value to Organic export standards Aotearoa.
Robin Allison, Ranui
History of co-operative and sustainable housing and 'Earthsong EcoNeighbourhood Project and conference attendance.
Richard Howard, Kingsland
Personal Development to promote positive cultural influence for Kingsland regeneration.
Will Ilolahia, Sandringham
Personal Development re TV/Film
Quentin Jukes, Warkworth
Action research on projects.
Deborah Lawler-Dermer, Pt Chevalier
Attend Executive Leadership Course and attend Symposium for International Electronic Artists.
Ian Leader, Eden Terrace
Visit and work with UK based Business In the Community re rural and urban revitalisation.
June Mariu, Te Atatu
Maori women's sports based development - promote World Indigenous Netball Tournament NZ 2004 and seek support for the inclusion of a Maori team in the 2007 world netball tournament .
Philip Patston, Grey Lynn
Build own capacity - establish, manage and promote Disability Arts Festival in Auckland.
Sonia Pivac, Te Atatu South
Studying digital Media at Gallaudet University, Washington DC, USA as a means of developing visual resources for the Deaf community.
Tamati Te Nohotu, Glen Innes
Attend Training Forums in Management & Leadership to develop and manage an arts center in Glen Innes, Auckland.
Vance Walker, Eden Terrace
Visit and work with UK based Business in the Community
Mondy Elizabeth Kopae, Hamilton
Community Post Trauma Advocate and Kaumatua/Kuia of Te Whakaruruhau Maori Women's Refuge.
Lynne Renwick, Te Aroha
To visit Melbourne - Victoria to attend Art development workshops and community projects run by DADDA WA.
Dale Devereux Copeland, Okato
Support to continue efforts with Virtual Tart Website and Real Tart Gallery whilst contributing to the Taranaki Artists community.
Elaine Gill, New Plymouth
Investigate Connexions (Government Support Service - youth - in UK) leading to implementation of the Taranaki Youth Initiative.
Hiraina Hona, Rotorua
Research & Implementation - Economic Development of Maori Land - particular research into regeneration of native plants and lavender farming
Materoa Nikora, Rotorua
To bring together and utilise a forum of skilled, experienced knowledgeable Kaumatua who understand the dynamics of Maoritanga.
Thomas Wilson, Tauranga
Establish Networks - artists, performers, lecturers and craftspeople to work aboard Cruise Ships that travel NZ Coastline spring to autumn.
Kim Lynette Mikaere, Tauranga
Full exposure -as student participation and a course tutor under supervision to the Columba 1400 Youth at Risk programme. Training to bring this programme back to NZ.
Hakeke McGarvey, Ruatoki North, Whakatane
Eastcape Regional Tourism Broker/Network - encourage sustainable iwi relationships - Maori tourism enterprise development.
Manu Caddie, Gisborne
Network with other Social entrepreneurs in Australia (Maori and Youth development).
Vanessa Hayes, Gisborne
Attend Macadamia Symposium- targeted for Maori Land owners .
Georgina Horiana Johnson, Tokomaru Bay
Undertaking study in Not-for-profit Management and Enterprise Facilitation.
Bronwen Christianos, Waipawa
Attend the 21st Annual Conference on Health Realisation 'Three Principals.'
Arahi Hagger, Ratana Pa
Digital collection of Ratana history. Collate bibliography of references. Arahi is Puawai's partner.
Deborah Puawai Hagger, Ratana Pa
Archival development with Ratana.
Judith Timpany, Wanganui
Overseas study tour to see examples of Community Development activities.
Helen Dew, Carterton
Attend International Symposium (Green dollars/Economic Community development - sustainable community economic and social development).
Jan Bieringa, Wellington
Travel to Australia - professional development in the new media arena.
Marion Blake, Wellington
Identifying and collating examples of innovative practice occurring in third sector organisations - mental health.
John Forman, Petone, Lower Hutt
Development of NZORD's Networks of rare disease support group.
Anne Mohi, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt
Post Graduate Diploma in Management for not for Profit Organisations.
Jim Moriarty, Island Bay, Wellington
"Theatre Marae - Theatre for Change" Theatre based intervention with at risk youth including male and youth prisons. Capacity building ventures through networking.
Robert John Reid, Brooklyn, Wellington
Graduate Diploma in Economic Development.
Andrew Smith, Marlborough
Research and Development around the establishment of NZ Pacific Musical talent.
Faye Cheryl Wulff, Nelson
Attend and take part and speak at the WATABOSHI Music Festival.
Trisha Nolan, Haast
Training in not-4-profit management.
Lindsay Jeffs, Christchurch
Investigate venture capital for Community Enterprise - study tour to determine best method of establishing such a fund in NZ.
Chris Mene, Christchurch
Obtain Diploma in Executive Management.
George Mulipola, Cashmere, Christchurch
Research the history of Samoa's Papauta Girl's High School. Information to contribute to Polynesian students theatre studies at University of Canterbury.
Claire Phillips, Waltham, Christchurch
To attend asset-based Community development workshops (Youth, Refugee and Migrant focus).
Fuarosa & Saralia Tamati, Christchurch
Research and explore Hip Hop culture as a tool for further community development with Pacific youth.
Lynette Nell, Darfield
Study trip to gather information on small rural areas - empowering small communities.
Emily Duncan, Dunedin
Professional development of Artists in NZ - visiting arts organisations.
Lesley McDonald, Palmerston, East Otago
At-home tuition on operating specific computer applications.
Alan Blackburn - Auckland
To travel to California and Great Britain to study programmes dealing with anger management and domestic violence among migrant and refugee men, as well as courses that promote fathering and life skills for men.
Gary Kelk - Auckland
“A Triple Bottom Line Assessment of a Community Group Operating Waste Minimisation and Waste Management Services on Waiheke Island.” will assess the economics of waste management versus waste minimisation options and practices.
Chris Barnes - Christchurch
To visit the Mature Worker programme run by the New South Wales Department of Education and Training, to establish formal links, exchange ideas and investigate best practices that could inform the development of the New Zealand Mature Employment Programme.
Janice Petty - Gisborne
To attend a 12-day professional development seminar in Sydney for Neuro Semantic/Neuro Linguistic trainers as the final stage in gaining international certification. To use the skills and knowledge gained from this to run motivational training workshops throughout the Tairawhiti region.
Zane Smith - Greymouth
To research youth banking and micro-enterprise funding frameworks at the World Youth Bank, Croatia , the Prince's Trust , Scotland and Maui Economic Opportunity Inc, Hawaii.
Ian Beker - Invercargill
To visit Goodwill Industries International Ltd and other organisations in Australia to see how they assist disadvantaged people to increase their skills and find employment.
Mamatere Strickland - Mangere East
To visit the San Francisco 's Women's Centre and meet with indigenous peoples' organisations which are working to promote a holistic approach to healing consistent with indigenous peoples' cultural values.
Elizabeth Kerekere & Alofa Aiono - Porirua
To attend the Federation of Gay Games Annual Meeting in Chicago and explore issues surrounding the participation and inclusion of indigenous lesbian and gay individuals and lesbian and gay people of colour.
Rick Thorpe - RaglanTo visit a number of British and European organisations that are involved with waste management, organics, fisheries management and community innovation.
Diane Jennings - Waitakere
To visit a range of agencies in the United Kingdom that are part of the successful “Business in the Community” programme.
Pauline Harper - Wellington
To visit a group of pioneer volunteer centres in London and the UK . Pauline will also visit a community voluntary project with a group of women sewers in Rajasthan , India.
Mary Logue - Wellington
To visit two youth entrepreneurship programmes in London – the Business Programme run by the Prince's Trust and a School for Social Entrepreneurs.
Joanne Wolfreys - Wellington
To conduct a review of mentoring and leadership training that exists for social entrepreneurs in not-for-profit environments, and to undertake a leadership study programme in Lucknow, India.
Catherine Delahunty - Wellsford
To undertake a research project on the social change education practices at Kotare Trust in Northland as well as social change education initiatives in Wanganui, Whangarei, Ruatoria, Kaikoura and Wellington .