Pathways Project
Rotorua District
Pathways Project Rotorua District
The Pathways Project began in July 2003 and is jointly funded by the
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs, Work and Income and the Rotorua District
Council. It is a youth employment initiative that focuses primarily on the
region's 15-17 year olds.
To establish practical steps towards improving Rotorua's poor performance
with 15 to 17 year olds in transition.
The Pathways Project aims to find solutions to industry and community
concerns regarding education, training and employment for young people.
There are two overriding objectives - firstly to plan and establish new
pathways within specific sectors - Agriculture, Tourism, Retail and
Engineering. Secondly to undertake a gap analysis of the services and
interventions currently missing for young people leaving school and seeking
vocational employment.
Stage One evaluated the pathways into employment currently available to
young people in three of those sectors, Agriculture, Retail and Tourism.
These sectors were chosen because they are key indicators for the local
economy and have a history of employing youth. At this stage strong
networks were established within the local community, educational
institutions, industry and government departments.
Stage Two Implementation. At this stage Engineering was added to the
vocational sectors. Qualitative research was carried out in all sectors,
followed by practical steps and on going action plans.
The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs has made an initial contribution of $50,000.
The project also received financial support from the Rotorua District
Council, WINZ and local Iwi.
Stage One (six months) of the project entailed evaluating pathways into
employment currently available to young people in the agriculture, retail
and tourism sectors. These sectors were chosen because they are key
indicators for the local economy and have a history of employing youth. A
project officer established networks between education, training,
government and relevant industry groups that are connected with youth in
transition. A Gap Analysis of the systems and services available locally
to assist young school leavers was undertaken.
Stage Two (six months). From June 2004 to December 2004 the project
focused on five sectors - Agriculture, Engineering, Construction,
Tourism and Health.
Agriculture Working together with the Te Arawa Federation of Maori
Authorities (FOMA) Agricultural Development Group, a feasibility study and
a business plan were prepared for the project by a local consultancy firm
and these two documents were launched in October and distributed to local
iwi for consultation, approval and financial commitment. By December, ten
Iwi Trust Farms had agreed to participate in the proposed Cadetship by
putting forward funding for 14 placements. A project manager and staff
were sought, to begin employment in 2005 and an Independent Trust Fund was established.
It was found that a barrier to successful employment for young Maori within
the farming sector was isolation. Many came from a large whanau home
environment and were less likely to own a car or have access to reliable
transport. Group employment options provided the solution and 3 or 4
school leavers can now be offered group scholarships.
Construction and Engineering Networks have been established within
these two sectors, and work has been done to encourage industry to become
involved in youth employment opportunities. Both networks have agreed to
take part in the Rotorua Careers Expo in May 2005. Curriculum alignment
opportunities have been implemented between local high schools and Waiariki
Institute of Technology.
Tourism Presentations have been given to all senior students tourism
classes in Rotorua. Between September and November 2004 seventeen
cadetship interviews took place and 12 students were offered and accepted
From December onwards 7 students completed Stage One of the Pilot and were
employed over the high season; 4 are now permanently employed in full time
jobs with excellent career prospects; 3 work over the holidays then
returned to school.
All were offered part-time work for 2005. Two of the companies employing
younger cadets are considering offering them apprenticeships in the 2005
'having this opportunity to be a Pathways Cadet has
confirmed for me that this is definitely the niche I want to get into when I leave school. Its been great to learn in an adult environment."
Megan, Pathways
Cadetship at Event Impressions"
"Initially Wallace seemed so nervous……..with encouragement from staff we watched him develop
into the role and gain the confidence we needed.
We have offered him full time work over the holiday season and beyond and he's doing a great job." Ken, Operations Manager.
(Wallace has been accepted at Sir George Seymour
College of Tourism management for July 2005)
Health Letters of introduction sent out to key stake holders in
December 2004 followed by interviews to gauge job opportunities for young
people wanting to enter the health sector. A Gap Analysis is planned to
examine the present pathways between school, training and sustainable
employment for the sector.
A Health Network will be developed to give key organisations support and
Retail To date the Project Officer was unable to achieve an output for
this sector. There were a number of issues blocking progress e.g. local
industry groups are cautious about youth employment initiatives. Further
work is required to achieve links between NZCEA courses offered at high
schools and opportunities in the retail sector for both after school and flexible employment.
Local IWI
Rotorua District Council
WINZ - Bay of Plenty Region
NZ Trade & Enterprise
Annie Ross
Rotorua District Council

Rotorua District Council

WINZ - Bay of Plenty Region

NZ Trade & Enterprise

— Kevin Winter, Mayor of Rotorua
