Local Employment Co-ordination
— What can a Regional Commissioner do ?

" Solutions to complex problems are best addressed through multi-sectoral dialogue and collaborative approaches. All sectors, including governments, business, labour, education, foundations, and social agencies must take responsibility for tackling economic, social and environmental issues..."

— Sherri Torjman, Caledon Institute of Social Policy, Ottawa
"Partnerships between Community, Business, Local and Central Government".

" In the past, society has looked to single institutions to solve community problems. Today, such complex public issues as homelessness, urban crime, and global warming spill beyond the capacity and jurisdiction of any single organisation — and must be tackled by many agencies that share the power and resources to get things done..."

— John Bryson and Barbara Crosby
"Leadership for the Common Good"

"Only by building strong, self-sustaining local communities will people in every country be able to withstand the forces of technological displacement and market globalisation that are threatening the livelihoods and survival of much of the human family..."

— Jeremy Rifkin,
author of "The End of Work"

" It is not difficult to tally preferences in this era of instantaneous electronic polling and of sophisticated marketing techniques for discovering what people want and how much they want it. It is a considerable challenge, however, to engage the public in rethinking how certain problems are defined, alternative solutions envisioned and responsibilities for action allocated..."

— Robert Reich, former US Labour Secretary, Clinton Administration,
author of "The Work of Nations"